Filtering Large Select Lists
For best results, download the example HTML file and use it as a template.- In the HEAD section of your HTML file, load the javascript code:
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="filterlist.js"></SCRIPT>
- In the body of your HTML file, set up your FORM and your SELECT list just like you normally would. Be sure to give both your FORM and your SELECT elements a NAME attribute:
<FORM NAME="myform" ACTION=""> <SELECT NAME="myselect"> <OPTION>Keanu Reeves <OPTION>Laurence Fishburne </SELECT> </FORM>
- After the SELECT list, initialize a filterlist object. Use the names that you gave your FORM and your SELECT list.
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript"> <!-- var myfilter = new filterlist(document.myform.myselect); //--> </SCRIPT>
- To filter the select list, use the set method:
Filter: <A HREF="javascript:myfilter.set('keanu')">keanu</A> <A HREF="javascript:myfilter.set('fish.*')">fishburn</A>
To reset the select list, use the reset method:
<A HREF="javascript:myfilter.reset()">reset</A>
To change the case-sensitive flag, use the set_ignore_case method:
<A HREF="javascript:myfilter.set_ignore_case(false)">case-sensitive</A> <A HREF="javascript:myfilter.set_ignore_case(true)">ignore case</A>
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